Friday, June 4, 2010

AT&T Says iPad 3G Shortage Won't Bar Getting Unlimited Data Plan

Since AT&T announced this week that it would eliminate its unlimited monthly data plans beginning Monday, June 7, some customers have been scrambling to get an iPad 3G with the hopes of signing up for the unlimited plan, which would be grandfathered in.

But the iPad 3G is still in short supply. When asked about this problem on Thursday, an AT&T press representative said, "We are looking into this situation and how we can accommodate these customers."

According to an executive at the company, who would not be identified because the company’s efforts were still being discussed internally, AT&T was exploring allowing customers who pay for an iPad before June 7, but don’t get the device in hand, to still sign up for an unlimited data account. And on Friday, a company spokesman said the decision had been made. "AT&T will honor the $29.99 unlimited data pricing for customers who order iPad by June 7," he said.

So now consumers have until 11:59 p.m. on June 6, just three days from now, to order an iPad with 3G capability and sign up for the unlimited plan when they receive it.



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